The availability of the customer and tech support that a cloud web hosting company provides will tell you a lot for the services which they offer as well. If you can use just emails and / or tickets, you have most likely discovered some reseller and not the actual hosting supplier. When this is the case, you may have to wait for a few days in order to get a problem resolved since your reseller may not be checking their communication on a regular basis or they may need to consult with the real website hosting company for extra help. When the supplier can provide various options for communication with quick response time that are available at any moment, they're most likely the top provider, not a reseller. Therefore you will receive well-timed assistance and top quality support as they'll have instant access to the servers where your account is. No matter what the issue - sales or technical, it is always better to communicate with your hosting company right away using your favourite way of communication.

24/7 Customer Support in Cloud Web Hosting

We offer 24/7 customer, billing and technical support for our cloud web hosting plans. Even if you are not our client yet and you have questions, we will help you right away and give you the needed information, so as to give you a choice to make the very best decision when you buy your new hosting account. We are available at any time, including holidays and weekends, and we provide you with various ways of communication to get in touch with us - phone, live chat, emails and support tickets. For your convenience, we now have several telephone numbers globally, thus you'll be able to call the one that is closer to you. The max response time for the e-mail messages and the tickets is one hour. The actual response time is no more than 15-20 minutes, so you can forget about waiting for a few days to get support for any kind of task or issue, whatever its complexity.