When you employ a script-driven application on your site and all the content that you create is saved in a database, your web hosting plan should feature sufficient database storage space, to ensure that even when the website grows, you will not have any sort of troubles because of the lack of storage space. PostgreSQL is an example of a well-liked database control system that is used with a number of scalable web applications and if you need improved performance and security for your website, it's more than likely that you'll take advantage of this solution. Considering this, you'll need a web hosting package that will not bound your online presence, particularly if you need to run a number of sites and each of them uses PostgreSQL databases.

PostgreSQL Database Storage in Cloud Web Hosting

We supply numerous cloud web hosting plans to offer you an option to select the attributes that you truly need and never pay extra for features that you'll never use. Because of this, the PostgreSQL storage is an additional upgrade which you're able to add through your Hepsia Control Panel to some of the packages; with others you will receive a pre-defined allowance, while with the high-end plans you get unlimited database storage space. Since you can easily switch among the plans or upgrade certain attributes, you can start with a lower-end one then upgrade when you would like to host PostgreSQL-driven sites. Needless to say, in case you want to start this kind of a site from the beginning, you're able to pick the most appropriate package that comes with PostgreSQL support by default.