Aside from having more resources, a good reason why you can get your own hosting server and use it instead of a shared hosting plan is the fact that you could install and run a wide variety of software. With a shared account, you'll be able to use apps, that do not require root access and are not set up server-side, so in the event that you require certain software for your web sites, you can't do the installation on a shared hosting server. This isn't the situation with a hosting server of your own in which you'll be able to install everything you want. The downside is that you may not have much experience and dealing with your own machine is more challenging that managing a shared Internet hosting account in which the company takes care of most things. This is why we offer one more service for our server plans called Installation & Troubleshooting and you can reap the benefits of it any time that you come across any issues with the supervision of your server.